Notifiable Diseases (Overview)

  1. African horse sickness
  2. African swine fever
  3. Anthrax
  4. Aujeszky’s disease
  5. Avian influenza (bird flu)
  6. Bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE)
  7. Bluetongue
  8. Bovine TB
  9. Brucellosis
  10. Chronic wasting disease
  11. Classical swine fever
  12. Contagious agalactia
  13. Contagious bovine pleuro-pneumonia
  14. Contagious epididymitis
  15. Contagious equine metritis
  16. Dourine
  17. Enzootic bovine leucosis
  18. Epizootic haemorrhagic disease
  19. Epizootic lymphangitis
  20. Equine infectious anaemia (swamp fever):
  21. Equine viral arteritis
  22. Foot and mouth disease
  23. Glanders and farcy
  24. Goat plague
  25. Lumpy skin disease
  26. Newcastle disease
  27. Paramyxovirus infection
  28. Porcine epidemic diarrhoea
  29. Rabies
  30. Rabies in bats
  31. Rift Valley fever
  32. Rinderpest
  33. Scrapie
  34. Sheep and goat pox
  35. Sheep scab
  36. Swine influenza
  37. Swine vesicular disease
  38. Teschen disease
  39. Vesicular stomatitis
  40. Warble fly
  41. West Nile fever
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